What You Learn from the Pandemic Can Determine Your Future Health

The current pandemic affects lives, both human and other animals, all over the world. It shocks the planet with millions of people dying from it, especially in developed countries like the USA. The pandemic is still going. What you learn from it can determine your future health and affect the rest of your life.

1.       Biomedical research can easily become bioweapons. The virus leaked from research can severely harm the public. If we did not realize its effects before, we should realize its seriousness now as well as the importance of strengthening our body to prevent infections.

2.       The virus reaches every corner of the world. Animals fare better than humans, and poor areas fare better than advanced countries. These advanced countries are filled up with chemicals as well as modern unhealthy food, exercise, and lifestyle. Their food products are full of chemicals. Their houses are filled with chemical products. Their medicines are made from chemicals. Their bodies are chemicalized from breathing in toxic air, consuming food products, and soaking in skin, hair, and beauty products. They make plentiful resources available for an easy life at the expense of their health. Their mind is filled up with modern beliefs on health that are further away from Nature and from reality. They have shortened their lives.

3.       Modern medicine and health beliefs do not work! People are sicker after medical treatments. Many even become so-called “long haulers” – too sick to be extremely fatigued or to even have to stay in bed every day. About half of the American people keep their hope on vaccination made of poisonous metals and chemicals. Some people believe they are healthy, because they are doing exactly what is recommended by their doctors, nutritionists, and health coaches, have no illnesses, and are even diagnosed extremely healthy from their doctors’ physical exams. But they are extremely sick after infection. Then there is the conclusion that the virus has no eye and can kill anyone, no matter how strong you are. Unfortunately, you are not what you think you are. Just because your conventional doctor cannot diagnose you with an illness and you do not feel sick, does not mean you are healthy and have no illness. Some people cannot be diagnosed with a single illness by their conventional doctors even though they feel miserable or even are bedridden most of the time! The widely spread virus affects almost everyone. Some have no symptoms at all while others have severe symptoms or even died from it.  The differences are all lying in how healthy you are. The healthier you are, the less symptoms you typically have. The people without visible symptoms either are very strong or are too sick to fight with the virus and die. The people with symptoms typically catch colds and flus every year as well.

4.       Traditional living and medicines strengthen the body and make us fare well during the pandemic. While the USA shuts down the websites who said they cured the virus infection, China is promoting their traditional medicines and traditional doctors who can cure it. The USA believes there is no cure and the ones claiming cure are lying and cheating. “Cure,” “heal”, and similar words are not allowed in advertisements in the USA while you hear these words so often on Chinese TV stations and among Chinese people. There are doctors in China who have a 100% curing rate for their patients. There are areas in China, such as an area inside Inner Mongolia, that have no modern hospital but have 100% curing rate. Hospitals are all over the US. Do any of them have over 50% curing rate?! The curing I mentioned here is the real cure that strengthens the body and not the treatments with the results of side effects, re-affection, re-admitting to hospitals, or even “long-haul” illnesses. China has realized the damaging effects of Western medicine during the early days of fighting with the pandemic as well as the effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in curing infections. So now, its public and medical schools teach TCM. Nature creates the human, and the human relies on, depends on, and survives upon food, air, sun, earth, and all around it in Nature.  TCM is based on how the universe works and applies its principles to the human body.

Is it time for you to throw out the limited beliefs on health that is based on modern science?! Is it time for you to adopt “new” ways of thinking on health?

Your health is depending on you. How you think determines how you do, and how you do determine your results. It is time to wake up and learn the best way for your health and life. Learn how Nature works, how to live well in and with nature. Your body has accumulated millions of years of healing experience. Rely on your body to heal and use the traditional ways that make us live well in Nature to strengthen our body and our health.

I found out that it is extremely hard for many Westerners to change their way of thinking about health, even though they know it’s not working. Their mind is filled with modern beliefs since they are elementary school age. But it is doable with a conscious mind and constant reeducating yourself to think in terms how nature works and how to live well in Nature. I have readers who read my book every day to get a deep understanding of the fundamentals on health and self-care at home. There are many more who have heard my illness and recovery stories and follow me to learn. I hope my blog posts, my Facebook community Transform Health, Redefine Life, as well as my health and wellness selfcare program, Total Life Energy Plan, can reach and help millions of people on earth.