Category: Health and Illness

  • Your new year’s resolution may harm your body and health

    Many people want to accomplish their goals, make more progress, and improve their life at the start of a new year! They make new year resolutions, and one of the most popular ones is getting into better shape and health, they may decide: Lose, gain, or maintain weight.  Adopt a new workout plan. Meal prep…

  • What does your bodily pain tell you?

    What does your bodily pain tell you?

    Most people associate pain with physical suffering. Even English dictionaries define pain as physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. But there is much more than just the suffering. Our smart body tries to tell us many things.

  • Why are you so ill?

    This is sad a few weeks for me: The husband of a close friend passed away. The husband of a lady in our healing group passed away.  Both died at a young age: 61 and 58 respectively. The first one died of cancer while the other from heart attack. After numerous accounts of people near me passing…

  • Why Have You Become a COVID-19 “Long Hauler”?

    Covid-19 has affected all our lives, directly and indirectly. Almost, if not, all of us were infected by this virus. But different people have different reactions to the virus and infection: Some people have obvious symptoms, while most people have no or minor symptoms. For the people who have obvious symptoms, most of them have…

  • The only self-directed healing system designed for chronic fatigue and ME/CFS

    After I healed my own illnesses including chronic fatigue, I developed a self-care and self-directed healing system for chronic fatigue as well as a complete wellness system. If we want to live well in Nature, we first need to understand how Nature works. Our system is based on how the universe works and applies the…

  • Ending chronic fatigue is much easier than you think if…

    We all hear from our doctors that there is no effective way to cure chronic fatigue, especially CFS. Many people, including many doctors, believe this to be true, and seek simple relief from fatigue symptoms. They try many methods provided by doctors or that they find online, but they are still fatigued. Some people thought…

  • Why can’t modern research find a cure for chronic fatigue (ME/CFS)?

    For the last decade, more and more funding has been allocated to research on many illnesses, such as ME/CFS. Many major research institutes are involved in ME/CFS research such as those at Harvard and Stanford. As you already know, despite increased research efforts, chronic fatigue and CFS in Western medicine remains a complex condition with…

  • End Chronic Fatigue Now – 12-Day Chronic Fatigue (ME/CFS) Transformation Challenge

    At this time in history, there have never been more people wanting to be rid of their chronic fatigue. They have suffered enough, and it is time for a change. Ending Chronic Fatigue requires change, transformation, and the pursuit of our greatest potential in life. This is why I want to invite you to join…

  • Cupping in the American Medical History

    When mentioning cupping, many people would think it is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. But did you know that before modern Western medicine, cupping was part of the medical treatments in America and American hospitals as well?!

  • Does a vegetarian diet work?

    Many Westerners have health issues that medicines and treatments cannot effectively treat. They feel much better after changing to a vegetarian or an almost vegetarian diet because many of their symptoms go away. Then they think that the vegetarian diet works, or even works better than any of their medical treatments. A vegetarian diet may “work”…