Ending chronic fatigue is much easier than you think if…

We all hear from our doctors that there is no effective way to cure chronic fatigue, especially CFS. Many people, including many doctors, believe this to be true, and seek simple relief from fatigue symptoms. They try many methods provided by doctors or that they find online, but they are still fatigued. Some people thought they had cured their fatigue, only to find out that they only had been masking fatigue symptoms, and even worse, ended up developing other health problems such as arthritis and/or heart disease.

If you change your perceptions and beliefs about modern science and contemporary medicine and open your mind to traditional medicine, you will find a cure!

Traditional medicines are based on energy and its movement. Once you focus on cultivating your life energy, you can identify where and how you lack life energy, and then find ways to meet your energy needs.

After I healed my own illnesses including chronic fatigue, I developed a system of self-care and self-directed healing for chronic fatigue as well as a complete wellness system, all based on traditional medicines and the body’s energy system.

I will launch my Health Transformation Challenge For Chronic Fatigue on Monday, June 14, 2021 in which I will show you how to:

  •  Make a sustainable change in your energy level and health.
  •  Find the cause of fatigue and ill health.
  •  Identify your individual energy needs.
  •  Cultivate the kinds of energy needed and heal yourself through habits and everyday activities.

Because I provide daily access to one-on-one program support, it is not possible to accommodate more than 10 people.

Please book a call with me at this link to find out whether this challenge is right for you.

This 15-minute call is to ensure that you are a good fit – I don’t want to waste your time if you are not. Please note that this call is a prerequisite for this challenge.

I look forward to your call and to helping you to energize your body and end your fatigue.

Julia “Health” Sun

P.S. sign up for the most current 12-day CFS training here.