• Ending chronic fatigue is much easier than you think if…

    We all hear from our doctors that there is no effective way to cure chronic fatigue, especially CFS. Many people, including many doctors, believe this to be true, and seek simple relief from fatigue symptoms. They try many methods provided by doctors or that they find online, but they are still fatigued. Some people thought…

  • Why can’t modern research find a cure for chronic fatigue (ME/CFS)?

    For the last decade, more and more funding has been allocated to research on many illnesses, such as ME/CFS. Many major research institutes are involved in ME/CFS research such as those at Harvard and Stanford. As you already know, despite increased research efforts, chronic fatigue and CFS in Western medicine remains a complex condition with…

  • End Chronic Fatigue Now – 12-Day Chronic Fatigue (ME/CFS) Transformation Challenge

    At this time in history, there have never been more people wanting to be rid of their chronic fatigue. They have suffered enough, and it is time for a change. Ending Chronic Fatigue requires change, transformation, and the pursuit of our greatest potential in life. This is why I want to invite you to join…

  • The First-Ever Complete Healing System For Chronic Fatigue

    In the public news today (September 7, 2020): Chronic fatigue specialist, health consultant, and founder of Total Life Energy Plan (TLEP), Julia Sun, introduces a revolutionary wellness program for people suffering from chronic fatigue or even chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Julia Sun is the leading expert on healing chronic fatigue and she has been working…


    This blog, Julia on Health at juliasun.com gets the award of THE BEST CFS BLOG from Expertido.org, one of the largest and most comprehensive product review organization in the United States. Join my blog email, Follow me, join our Facebook group, or learn more about our CFS training programs. Check out all my blog posts…