- No more energy depletion and life draining exercises but the Qigong for superior health and healing.
- Practice this simple yet most effective healing exercise at the comfort of your home.
- Start your journey to healing and preventing illnesses and maintaining good health.
No More Wasted:
- TIME and EFFORT on many forms of inferior exercise, such as yoga, martial art, Western fitness training, and many kinds of Qigong. Great exercise uses less time and effort yet is extremely effective in complete health and healing.
- MONEY on gym fees, qigong or other membership, exercise equipment, and many commercial products. Your money and health can be much better utilized with this program.
- ENERGY on these energy draining and life shortening exercises. Our vital life energy is too limited to bet on any of them.
The Steelman Qigong has healed many and extended people’s lifespan throughout its thousand year history.

The Best Doctor
Only our body can heal itself and only we can help our body in healing. Practice Steelman Qigong to aid your body in healing and reaching complete and optimal health.

The Only Kind of Exercise We Need
Life energy keeps life going, establishes and preserves good health! Steelman Qigong exercise cultivates this vital life energy for a healthy and long life.

Simple Yet Extremely Effective
Steelman Qigong is gentle, simple, easy to learn, yet extremely effective and long lasting.
You get a life-long exercise solution here. All you need to do is take action to prevent and stop fatigue, pain, suffering, and dealing with your deteriorating physical and mental health. Take action now to accomplish your dreams of a healthy and vibrant life that you deserve.
This Qigong has healed many illnesses and diseases:
- Lumbar disc herniation
- Cervical spondylosis
- Myocardial ischemia
- Hepatitis B
- Extreme fatigue, fainting, and weakness
- Frozen shoulder
- Over and underweight
- Kidney, liver, heart, lung, spleen, pancreatic, and many other organ problems
- Inflammation
- Waist pain
- Hard to breath
- Insomnia
- Stomachache and many digestive problems
- Catch cold often
- Frequent diarrhea
- Lung cancer
- Liver cancer
- And many more.
This qigong for superior health and healing is also terrific for
- building strength and endurance
- improving memory
- stimulating creative thinking
- increase the frequency and depth of spiritual experience
Students are all different in symptoms, abilities, and learning styles. Therefore you may have different results and we cannot guarantee to heal all your diseases. But because this exercise rebalances the entire body, it aids the body in its healing of any illnesses.
What You’ll Get
Our Steelman Qigong Training includes:
- Eight Core Exercises with precise guidance on physical and energy movements
- Organ-Specific Techniques to strengthen and support each organ and body system
- Comprehensive Health Insights on organ function, balance, and synergy
- Bodily Reactions and Signs of Recovery, along with recommended practices
- Correction of Common Mistakes made by students during practice
- Independent Practice Guidance for continued health improvement
Our Qigong Master, Julia Sun, teaches in-person and virtual classes with very limited space for better result. Virtual classes provide flexibility, while in-person sessions allow hands-on guidance and feedback.
Meet Our Qigong Master, Julia Sun
Julia H. Sun
Having learned Taiji and Qigong from my father and other masters, I’ve actively involved in many different kinds of exercises such as yoga, Pilate, dancing, volleyball, swimming, gym and strength training, hiking, jogging, and aerobics. While having trouble to heal my own laundry list of health problems, I reconsidered the benefits of qigong and extensively researched different qigong exercises and their effects and healing abilities on the body.
Only the life energy exercises, especially the Steelman Qigong, made my health really turned around! The more I know and practiced the Steelman qigong exercise, the more I understood why people chased after it in its thousand year history, and the eager for me to make it available to and benefit a greater population in the world.
After training at Mr. Zhang’s Daoist Temple, I’m excited to share this extraordinary practice with the world.
I hope that you can enjoy and benefit from this exercise as much as we do.
Get ready to explore the qigong exercise designed to…
- Heal illnesses with natural breathing and the body’s self-healing ability as well as conserving the body’s precious life sources. It is NOT designed for fighting with extreme breathing and movements like many other qigong exercises are.
- Achieving optimal health by balancing all organ systems and strengthening the entire body. It is NOT designed for helping with particular illnesses that potentially causes unbalance among the systems and leading to other health problems.
- Chase toxins and illnesses out of the body.
- Activate all major meridians to open up the blockages and balance energy flow throughout the entire body.
- Harmonize body, mind, and spirit into one powerful force for complete healing.
Typical Results:
- After persistently practicing for 100 days to 4 months every day, you should feel the difference in your health and the people around you should see a better and healthy looking you!
- After persistently practicing for a year, most illnesses are healed.
Master Zhang, the Daoist Priest who learned, taught, and made the exercise available to the public the very first time.
Many people can tell that their health improves constantly since the first day they can practice the whole set correctly, as the one shown below:
One of the Most Detailed Healing Notes from Practicing our Qigong for superior health and healing…
This is from a 28-years old Chinese man who was extremely sick, quitted his job, and couldn’t do much stuff anymore.
1. 练功第一天:学完动作后当天就练习了全套,练完发觉胸腔有清爽感,全身汗如雨下,背部及额头出汗量大。
1. First Day of Practice: After learning all the movements, I practiced the full set on the same day. I felt a refreshing lightness in my chest, with my whole-body sweating, especially my back and forehead.
2. 练功一周:已经出现张道爷所说的排病,练到一半突然觉得肚子疼,一顿输出之后,腹部肠区为之一畅,如同腹内有只手把经年的垃圾掏出来一样。
2. One Week In: I experienced expected adjustment reactions. Halfway through practice, I felt a stomachache; after passing gas, my abdomen felt much clearer, as if years of waste had been removed.
3. 练功一月:连续27年的感冒在此时 shut down,一个月都没有鼻塞流涕我真的要感动哭了。
3. One Month In: Cold symptoms that I had experienced for 27 consecutive years completely disappeared. I haven’t had a stuffy or runny nose for a month. I was really moved to tears. The itching from athlete’s foot reduced, nighttime leg cramps eased, my urination became stronger, and my forehead was no longer oily.
4. 练功两月:频繁腹泻情况消失、腰腹部寒凉情况明显缓解、颈椎痛消失、抬头困难问题改善、上火频率减少、胃部嗝逆反酸痊愈(趴着就吐的日子结束了)。
4. Two Months In: Frequent diarrhea disappeared, cold sensations in my waist and abdomen significantly lessened, cervical pain vanished, neck mobility improved, inflammation occurrences decreased, and stomach hiccups and acid reflux were cured. (No more vomiting whenever lying down!)
5. 练功三月:蹲起头晕况明显好转、出恭由糖稀恢复至正常、体重由80KG增加至85KG (这个月食欲大开,有如饕餮附体,饭量增加了-半)
5. Three Months In: Significantly dizziness reduction when standing up. My blood sugar levels returned to normal, no more loose stools, and my weight increased from 80 kg to 85 kg. My appetite surged, and I could eat more without discomfort.
6. 练功四月:失眠情况明显改善,睡眠质量增加,10点自然困,7点自然醒,人间至美当是吃得香与睡得好。同时肝区痛和胸闷气短消失,青黑的脸色微微转红,黑眼圈消失,周身疲惫感减轻(有一种累,叫做穿衣服都嫌重)。“百天四月,自己可知,亲友可见。”道爷所言非虚。
6. Four Months In: Insomnia improved significantly, and I experienced better sleep quality. I naturally feel sleepy at 10 p.m. and wake up at 7 a.m. every day now. After years of digestive and sleep issues, I think the most wonderful thing in the world is eating well and sleeping well! My overall health transformed; liver area pain, chest tightness, and shortness of breath are gone. My complexion brightened, dark circles vanished, and overall exhaustion eased (I used to feel so tired that even my clothes felt heavy). “In one hundred days to four months, you’ll know and others around you will see the difference in you.” The master’s words are true!
7. 练功五月:眼干症状痊愈、呼吸胸痛情况消失,不会再半夜被胸痛惊醒,这个毛病完美地诠释了什么叫“大气都不敢喘”,疼醒了只能点一点的进气出气,进气量大子就会胸腔撕裂般疼,谢天谢地,终于好了。
7. Six Months In: My skin became smooth and radiant. I no longer need to wear socks while sleeping, as my body’s resistance to cold has improved. The tingling pain in my left chest when feeling down disappeared, as did the tingling pain at the Neiguan acupoint on my arm whenever I was angry.
8. 练功六月:皮肤变得光滑。身体抗寒能力增强,睡觉不再需要穿袜子。悲伤时左胸刺痛情况消失,生气时手臂内关穴刺痛情况消失。
8. Practicing for 6 months: Skin becomes smooth and radiant. My body’s ability to resist cold is increased and I no longer have to wear socks during sleep. The tingling pain in the left chest whenever I feel depressed disappears, and the tingling pain at the Neiguan acupoint on the arm whenever I was angry also disappears.
9. 练功七月:右下腹疼痛消失,这个毛病最大的影响就是不能做转体,转体就会产生剧痛,触感上像是内脏在摩擦,我一度以为长了个恶性的东西,然而去医院啥都没查出来。现在不用担心了,敞开了耍,放肆地动。
9. Seven Months In: Pain in my lower right abdomen vanished. This pain had kept me from twisting my body, as twisting caused severe pain, as if my organs were rubbing against each other. But doctors couldn’t find anything wrong. Now I can twist and bend freely—even vigorously—without worry.
10. 练功八月:发量增加,掉发减少,腰椎不适明显改善。抗寒能力进一步增强。少吃不会心慌,即便饿了,也不再像以前一般全身发虚,甚至手抖,相反少吃一点,肠胃会更舒服。
10. Eight Months In: My hair grew thicker, less hair fell out, and lumbar discomfort improved significantly. My body’s resistance to cold strengthened further. When I eat less, I no longer feel flustered as before; even when I’m hungry, I no longer feel weak all over or shake uncontrollably. In fact, I feel better when I eat less.
11. 练功九月:精神愈加焕发,有了做事情的动力,行动力增强,恢复了一些上学时的利搜劲。排便速度加快,频率改为一天两次。
11. Nine Months In: I feel more energetic, motivated, and capable of taking action, with energy levels similar to when I was in school. My bowel movements are now easier and reduced from several times a day to only twice.
12. 练功十月:爱上火情况进一步减轻,嘴唇干裂情况缓解。呼吸更加顺畅,驼背圆肩的体态问题有所改善。
12. Ten Months In: Inflammation has reduced further, and my dry, chapped lips are improving. My breathing is smoother, and my posture—hunchback and rounded shoulders—has improved.
13. 练功十一月:小腿肌肉丰满不松弛,不再是一捏就憋的软柿子,脚踝关节润滑度增加,走路不再嘎巴嘎巴响。腰部酸沉感彻底消失,久站不会再腰疼。排尿颜色变浅,气味不再刺鼻。
13. Eleven Months In: My calf muscles are firmer and no longer soft to the touch, and my ankle joints are more lubricated, with no more creaking sounds while walking. The soreness in my waist has completely disappeared, and I no longer have back pain after standing for extended periods. My urine is lighter and has returned to a normal color, without a strong odor.
14. 练功十二月:时间明显延长小,蝌蚪越来越浓,自信心前所未有地增强,多年的内心阴霾一扫光,体力脑力均比去年提升不止一个档次。
14. Twelve Months In: My stamina (during sex) has significantly increased, my sperm count returned to normal, and my self-confidence reached new heights. The inner haze I had carried for years has lifted, and both my physical and mental strength have improved dramatically compared to a year ago.
No other exercise ever offers the comprehensive healing effect of Steelman Qigong for superior health and healing!
Start Your Healing Journey Now
Don’t Miss this opportunity to transform your health and well-being. Join our Steelman Qigong class today and unlock the secrets to a vibrant, healthy life!
Contact us:
For more information about the benefits of Steelman Qigong or to get started with our program, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Time-honored, all natural, holistic healing system for lasting health