This course is for individuals who want to discover their body’s unique conditions and prepare their body for obtaining increased life energy to prevent or care for their illnesses.
Contents and Overview
Everybody is different and has their own bodily weaknesses. If not attended to and cared for, these weaknesses will lead to illnesses. The course will help you to find which organ is ill or has a weakness that could potentially become ill. This course will also help you to find which foods meet your body’s unique needs to prevent illnesses and stimulate healing.
The body may be blocked from obtaining energy needed for good health. Blockages also disrupt the body’s circulation, causing body waste accumulation that further prevents the body from obtaining energy. This course will provide an assortment of tools necessary to find and remove blockages in your body.
What will I get from this course?
- You will learn many ways to find which of your organs is ill or has a weakness that could lead to ill. Once you learn your bodily weakness(es) and health conditions, you will be able to apply the right diet and exercise for your body’s unique weakness(es), instead of following the media or trendy beliefs about food and exercise.
- You will learn how to find the foods that energize your organs to prevent illnesses and stimulate healings. Once you discover the specific foods your body desperately needs, you will be able to apply the right diet to remedy your body’s unique weakness(es).
- You will learn how to find and remove blockages that make you feel sick and lack energy. Once you learn how to remove blockages, you will be able to do so in your daily life and begin improving your health and energy level.
Who is this course for?
Anyone who wants to:
- Discover their unique life energy needs to help themselves and others live healthily and energetically, or to help with their illness(es).
- Learn ways to enable their body to obtain energy from any energy sources in the universe and to improve their health and energy level.
- Better understand Traditional Chinese philosophies and beliefs, including Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qigong exercise, and energy healing.
- Practice and absorb the course information on their own schedule at their own pace, and in the privacy of their own home or office.
- Expand their existing business by adding a new skill set and/or certification to their list of professional qualifications.
- Start a wonderful and exciting career helping people improve their lives as a Certified Total Life Energy Plan Practitioner.
NOTE: You have to pass the following course before you can enroll in this course: