Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • End Chronic Fatigue Now – 12-Day Chronic Fatigue (ME/CFS) Transformation Challenge

    At this time in history, there have never been more people wanting to be rid of their chronic fatigue. They have suffered enough, and it is time for a change. Ending Chronic Fatigue requires change, transformation, and the pursuit of our greatest potential in life. This is why I want to invite you to join…

  • 12-Day Chronic Fatigue (CFS) Transformation Challenge

    Do you have chronic fatigue or even chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) that you KNOW that you can’t wait to live without? Ending fatigue, pain, and other illnesses is essential to change your life. Are you ready to free yourself from fatigue? I will launch Chronic Fatigue (CFS) Transformation Challenge on Monday, June 14, 2021 in…

  • Cupping in the American Medical History

    When mentioning cupping, many people would think it is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. But did you know that before modern Western medicine, cupping was part of the medical treatments in America and American hospitals as well?!

  • Does a vegetarian diet work?

    Many Westerners have health issues that medicines and treatments cannot effectively treat. They feel much better after changing to a vegetarian or an almost vegetarian diet because many of their symptoms go away. Then they think that the vegetarian diet works, or even works better than any of their medical treatments. A vegetarian diet may “work”…

  • Weight loss programs make us gain even more weight in the long run

    If you look at the numbers, Americans spend over $60 billion annually to try to lose pounds. It is great for the people selling weight loss products. The problem is this: “Is this money making us slimmer and healthier?” The answer is no. As all of you know, right now, weight management is more important…

  • What You Learn from the Pandemic Can Determine Your Future Health

    The current pandemic affects lives, both human and other animals, all over the world. It shocks the planet with millions of people dying from it, especially in developed countries like the USA. The pandemic is still going. What you learn from it can determine your future health and affect the rest of your life.

  • Why Self-Healing Is More Effective

    As many of you know, I was a seriously ill patient who had no medical knowledge a decade ago. I have figured out the cure for all my illnesses. At the same time of searching for the cure, I found out that it is much more efficient and effective to heal illnesses through everyday activities.…

  • The Power of My Energy Healing

    How powerful is energy and energy healing? Everything in the world is made of energy including the human body, and nothing else but energy heals our illnesses. I have not only healed all my own illnesses using the energies in food, from exercise, and surrounding us, but also have healed many others. Here are just…

  • My Journey of Health Transformation

    I was busy like a hell as a single mother with work and two sons in school. I felt extremely sick and developed many illnesses. I paid a lot of more attention to health, trying to keep myself healthy. But my health was still worsening until to the point that I could not drive a…

  • The Bizarre Situation of Modern Illnesses

    There are many, many illnesses. When we suffer from illness symptoms, we want to know what is wrong with our body. We typically seek help from medical professionals. Doctors and medical specialists are trained to diagnose our symptoms, find the kind of illness that our symptoms are belong to, and so they can prescribe medications…

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