Medical qigong healing with our qigong and Reiki master Julia Sun for detecting your body’s problem areas and energy deficiencies, charging the energy needed for healing illness, and potentially saving your loved one’s life in an emergency.
Check this Energy Healing Article, Julia On Health, or Facebook for the posts on how Julia used medical qigong healing or energy healing to help others to cure their ill health, save their lives, or take pains away from their bodies, either directly in person or remotely in distance.
If you want to:
- Energize your body.
- Release pain.
- Get good sleep.
- Heal illnesses including both physical and emotional troubles.
- Save your loved one’s life.
Our energy master, Julia H. Sun, can help:
* For emergency saving a life, call 911! And then contact us directly by calling (508)293-1212. The urgent service sessions can be done remotely or in-person. The minimum charge and deposit for emergency service is $500 remote and $800 in person.