Applies the basic principles of nature and energy, as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), to our health. It is for us to survive, thrive, and live well on earth under different natural and social environments. It utilizes the Total Life Energy Plan for its members to accomplish health, healing, and longevity.
Health for Life (HFL) program includes but not limited to:
- Energy and self healing system.
- Health directions and guidance.
- Energy and its application to our food, exercise, body and the techniques and methods of cultivating life energy for long-term health and vitality.
- Fatigue, pain, weight, and illness control through strengthening the body’s energy system.
- personalized health and wellness plan development, which includes:
- Health assessment on individual body, its build, its type analyses, and a 15-minute energy assessment session with Julia Sun in person or remotely
- Recommendations for different energy deficiencies and illnesses on
- food and diet
- movements and exercises
- tapping and massage
- daily life, habits, and lifestyle
- emotional, mental, and spiritual states
- sex and health
- nature and health
- beauty and appearances
- illness and prevention
The major differences between our program HFL and others:
Everybody has a way of dealing with their health, has learned something about their symptoms, and has worked out how to deal with their symptoms. Unfortunately, most of these don’t work for long.
In this Health for Life membership program, you are not picking up a few tips, and then you’re out of here. You are creating a springboard to start a health transformation journey that leads you to optimal health and a better life. Our unique approach provides a winner’s tract that will enable you to live, lead and leave your life-changing legacy for your health and your life. You will deeply understand this over the course of the membership.
- No need for commercial products, such as supplements, gym, and equipment. We believe that only the body can heal itself, our body provides the best equipment, machine, and tools for healing.
- Build up life energy in your daily activities. Life energy is the key for survival, long term health and vitality, and a long life. The diet solely for nutrition and the exercise solely for weight management can only destroy our health. All our food, dietary, exercise, habit, mental, and emotional health are based on cultivating life energy, strengthening the body’s energy system, and the principles of Traditional Chinese medicine. You will learn the basics of the body’s energy system and how to strengthen every major organ through foods, exercises, and many other simple yet effective ways.
- Rebalance and harmonize the body parts and organ systems to recuperate, rejuvenate, and cultivate health and wellness and prolong life. We don’t directly fix your problems (such as knee pain) but provide the support (life energy) to specific body parts and related organs so they have the resources to get back to normal functions.
- Find the origins of your health issues so your body can get well permanently. Organ problems most of the time is not originated in organs but other parts of the body that prevent the flow of nourishment and life energy to the organs. Only after you find the origin of a problem, your problem can be fixed permanently. Modern treatments, diets, exercises, and mindful practices may make you feel better from less symptoms, but they may harm your body so it produces less or no symptoms.
- Include every aspect of life, including living well and harmoniously with nature and with society, preventing illness from happening or worsening, help and assist healing, and maintaining good health.
The first and only complete energy and self healing system that help you to develop your personalized health and wellness plan with specific foods and simple daily actions for your body’s conditions, weaknesses, and illnesses, under different social and natural environments.